I am Sarah Layman
I teach the 4th grade

I am from Colorado
I've been working at OLOL since August 2021
"God doesn't require us to succeed; he only requires that you try." - Saint Teresa of Calcutta
About Myself

I've lived and traveled in Japan. My favorite place to visit was Kyoto, Japan.
While stationed in Japan, I worked with the Japanese banks and the US military banks. I'm a published author.
My son is an Eagle Scout and I still volunteer with Boy Scouts of America. My family and I volunteer for with our favorite dog rescue.
I wanted to be a writer and I still write today.
When my oldest was in 1st grade, I volunteered at his school. When a Kindergarten teacher needed to take an emergency leave of absence, the school director asked me to substitute. I loved it so much that I went back to school for a Master's of Education.
Every place where my family was stationed with the military, I had opportunities to teach or tutor. When I went into the classroom, it felt like home.
Outside of Jaguars

I have 6 kids. We were a military family until 2018 and moved every 2-3 years. I'm so happy to be settled here. My favorite duty station was in Maryland.
I miss my pet Siamese cat "Sami" that I brought home from Japan. But my students know that there is a Squishmallow Sami-cat in my classroom for anyone who needs a hug.
I have 3 dogs, 6 cats, 2 guinea pigs, and a rabbit. It's a zoo! But I'd like to have bees and chickens, too!
I love being outside with my kids. My kids and I look for adventures with biking, kayaking, and hiking. I love to crochet. I am learning amigurumi and Tunisian crochet. I bird watch with my daughter and stargaze with my son.
The top 5 five virtues I believe a student should try to acquire are charity, faith, diligence, fortitude and patience.
Mistakes are proof that you're trying.
Jaguar Memories
- I love to see my kids present their Presidental biographies. The all look so presidential! Maybe one day they will be.
- The Advent Show is so Beautiful!